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Hey there, I’m Sistah! a retired Army veteran who believes all things are possible if “I Just BELIEVE”. Prior to the military, I spent most of my life living in southern California along the suburbs of Pasadena. Although, I joined the service, my passion has always been in the arts and entertainment industry. After developing a career in human resource management, I imagined it was foolish for me to do a 180 degree turn into the creative industry. It felt like I would be letting 25+ years of training go to waste. However, I couldn’t let go of wanting to be creative. An urging sound kept ringing in my spirit. So, I decided to answer the call.
I chose to live expressively in freedom, and help others reach their highest potential instead of being concerned about the expectations of others. I’d experienced many things in my life-time worth sharing, and I needed to move beyond fear and shame to make it happen. Each day reveals a new beginning and opportunity for me to give gratitude as I continue discovering my true self. I love sharing stories and living my life for me. By developing the essential skills of my mind, body, and spirit, thoughts, and emotions, it allows me to grow and help awaken others. Sometimes, you may not agree with what I have to say, but that’s ok.
My objective is not to convince you one way or the other that I’m right or wrong, but that I’m a human with a spirit who likes to express her thoughts and experiences with others in hopes to provide vision, encouragement, and thoughtful alternatives to spiritual warriors. So, if you’re willing to grow with me, experience adventure, and optimism, I invite you to join me on this journey. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you come back and visit often! Feel free to follow along via Facebook, Periscope, and YouTube.
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Is a movement of professional mentors in the community who care, and we’re working together to change the nation through a network of veterans, community leaders, national gatherings, training events, and resources using divine higher power to transform lives and create positive life transitions.
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Join Sistah and Friends with creative, conscious, and compassionate conversations that will inspire you to fiercely own your creativeness!